Group show
Christmas party 2023
Duration of the exhibition: 9.12 – 23.12.2023
after the new year : 8.1 – 28.2.2024 | only by telephone agreement
Curator: Katarína Janáková
The group exhibition entitled “Christmas party 2023” is the second of the group Christmas sales exhibitions under the tact of blu : gallery. A selection of several young contemporary artists who are currently entertaining us, presenting smaller and medium formats (paintings, works on paper, prints or original ceramics) as a quality gift or just for pleasure, or for your collection.
If you are interested in any of the works, please do not hesitate to contact us
Zoznam vystavujúcich autorov a autoriek:
Tero Abaffy
Anna Mária Beňová
Beata Kočner Bencová
Martina Červenková
Ján Hrčka
Dominika Kováčiková
PAAM Studio
Martina Rötlingová
Denisa Slavkovská
Kika Tomaňa
Helen Tóth